
Akihabara Radio Kaikan

  • "Akihabara radio kaikan" is one of the sightseeing spots I recommend in Akihabara.
  • This is a photo taken in front of radio kaikan.
  • Here is a famous place to take photos which provide you with Akihabara-like atmosphere.

  • Following are the shops in the building. Radio kaikan is an integration of Akihabara.

  • There are so many small similar shops in this town. 
  • You can find shops like the following here and there in Akihabara.
  • Unless you visit Akihabara with a certain purpose like looking for anime figures or electronic parts to assemble your own computer, you'll be at a loss at what to do in this town.
  • If you're not specially interested in animation and electronic appliances and do not have enough time to stroll around the town, looking around the shops in the radio kaikan makes you satisfied to know what Akihabara is.  

Each shop will be introduced in future.

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